Shortage of tickets in Bogotá terminals for the end of the year | my finances

The shortage of tickets to destinations such as the Atlantic Coast, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga, Coffee Region, Medellín, Sogamoso, Villavicencio, Ibagué, Girardot and Fusagasugá was increased this end of the year, since the purchase of tickets electronically increased by 82%.

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The waiting time and availability of the tickets at this moment ranges between 12 and 24 hours. Due to this situation, the transport companies assure that they are trying to implement additional buses to solve the needs of travelers in these last days of the year and the beginning of 2023.

Ana María Zambrano, manager of the Bogotá Transport Terminal, assured that to avoid these inconveniences it is to plan the trips in advance. «We had foreseen this demand, and transport companies also made an agreement with tourism companies to increase the vehicle fleet» said.

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In the same way, citizens have seen an increase in the value of tickets for some destinations, since the different transportation companies vary according to full costs for the season and discounts that each one decides to offer.

One of the recommendations is that people wait to get tickets inside the terminals, For security reasons, it is better not to take buses outside these places, in addition to booking and buying tickets in advance to avoid these inconveniences.


By Mitchell G. Patton

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