National Development Plan: the main recommendations – Sectors – Economy

The construction process continues National Development Plan which will give an account of the short, medium and long-term goals that the Government of Gustavo Petro has for the next four years and which will be filed before Congress on February 7.

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The president has already received a report with the recommendations made by the National Planning Council – created by mandate of the Constitution of 1991 and integrated by territorial representatives of different economic and social sectors – as a result of the different regional meetings.

The document takes stock of the initial proposals and a series of recommendations to improve living conditions in the regions and contribute to the development of each sector.

The environment (climate change, ecology, water management, waste, among others) and rural development (contained in the comprehensive rural reform proposal of the Peace Agreement with the FARC) were two of the issues that generated a greater number of proposals to include. within the framework of the road map for the country 2022-2026.

These are some of the recommendations in each of the regions:


1. Rural development: Entrepreneurial support for peasants whose inputs are organic waste, in addition to training this population for renewable energy projects, in order to guarantee social control over how much municipalities and departments invest for the improvement of the rural quality of life.

2. Education: The educational system for years has been the same, the generations are different and require a flexible educational system, where art, culture and sports are educational focus options.

3. Environment: Promote the implementation of associative schemes between different territorial entities that have an impact on a body of water and work jointly on its recovery and maintenance. Campaigns and awareness projects from different public and private scenarios in the transition from conventional energy to clean energy.


1. Environment: Promote and strengthen the public policy of rangers, guides and teachers, seek regional strategic, prospective and participatory planning with autonomy and with different approaches that is sustainable and sustainable that does not hand over resources to transnational extractivists.

2. Health and well-being: Elimination of the intermediation of the EPS and assuming health as a public policy of the State, with the strengthening of the public network, without outsourcing.

3. Rural development and decentralization: Public policies and actions that strengthen the competitiveness of the sector, giving real guarantees to producers. Implement agrarian reform in compliance with the Havana agreements that guaranteed food sovereignty and regional competitiveness. Ways for life, which allow food to be marketed.

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1. Environment: Seek the restoration of ecosystems and generate environmental education, generate an ecologically friendly and equitable resilient housing policy and promote the use of clean energy ecosystem restoration environmental education.

2. Development and decentralization: decent remuneration and training around the land.

3. Health and well-being: Health reform aimed at the interests of the people that ends in a health system that has decent coverage, both for care and for medicines and examinations.


1. Multidimensional Poverty: Prepare and execute master plans for aqueduct and sewerage and infrastructure.

2. Environment: Education processes to generate a cultural and educational process against the conservation and had of the soil, flora and fauna, wild and domestic; including rural and urban planning processes.

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1. Environment: It is proposed to make the multipurpose cadastre mandatory for planning in all the municipalities of the country.

2. Housing: Change the public housing policy in the municipalities (model) and prioritization strategy, thus prioritizing rural housing so that communities do not abandon the countryside.

3. Work and Growth: Consolidate the construction of the Casanare public refrigerator.


1. Rural development: Create a public policy with the capacity to address the real problems of the territories, as well as encourage prior consultation before implementing projects with a high environmental impact.

2. Work and growth: An industrial public policy is required that promotes access to soft loans and support for university research, among others.


1. Environment: It is necessary to reactivate the table for the defense of water and, in turn, generate the development of an intersectoral environmental agenda. Restructuring of autonomous corporations.

2. Rural Development and decentralization: It is necessary to guarantee food security, this only if the bases for industrialization and productivity spaces are guaranteed. Also, look for the renegotiation of the FTAs.

3. Education: Develop and implement ten-year plans for culture and professional training for young people in rural communities.

By Mitchell G. Patton

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