
Grupo Argos leads the list of the best companies for women in the world – Companies – Economy

Grupo Argos leads the list of the best companies for women in the world – Companies – Economy

A Colombian company was selected by Forbes and Statista as the best in the world for women: Grupo Argos. To create the ranking, the specialized media will identify the 400 most outstanding companies in the defense of women at work. "The most awarded not only offer competitive salaries and great opportunities for professional promotion, but also flexible work modalities that, according to experts, are essential to correct gender inequalities," they explain. To develop this classification, Statista found some 85,000 women who worked in multinational institutions in 36 countries to determine whether they stood out in terms of gender equality in…
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Guillermo Reyes talks about a solution to not raise toll prices – Sectors – Economy

Guillermo Reyes talks about a solution to not raise toll prices – Sectors – Economy

In order not to further affect inflation, the Ministry of Transport is working on an administrative act -which will be known no later than January 16- to not increase the prices of some trips in the country. However, what is left to be collected by this means will be sought to be recovered with the collection of the valuation tax for roads from 2024.(Read also: MinTransporte will suspend the collection of the El Bordo toll on the Pasto-Popayán highway) In an interview with EL TIEMPO, Minister Guillermo Reyes gave details of this issue and other projects that will be carried…
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Ruta del Sol: what is projected for this road?  – Sectors – Economy

Ruta del Sol: what is projected for this road? – Sectors – Economy

In May and June 2022, the ANI awarded the Troncal del Magdalena 1 and Troncal del Magdalena 2 concession contracts, belonging to the Bicentennial Concessions Program (5G). These sections are part of the old Route of the Sun 2. (Keep reading: The Government's response to the Prosecutor's Office after refusal for arrest warrants).The Odebrecht scandal led to the paralysis of the project. Ruta del Sol 2, (Puerto Salgar-San Roque) was granted in January 2010 to the Concesionaria Ruta del Sol SAS, made up of Constructora Norberto Odebrecht SA, Odebrecht Inversiones e Infraestructura Ltda., Episol SA and CSS Constructores SA The…
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Today they say which tolls do not go up;  pending who will pay valuation – Sectors – Economy

Today they say which tolls do not go up; pending who will pay valuation – Sectors – Economy

Today the decree that establishes the requirements are the tolls of the national territory that will not register an increase in their rates for this yearas announced in recent days by the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes.From the Executive, Risk and Legal Vice-presidencies of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), as well as the Legal areas of Mintransporte and Invías, they dedicated themselves to working on the structuring and validation process of the Decree to be signed by President Gustavo Petro to make this measure firm.(Also read: Collect valuation for roads in 2024, the exit to avoid going up trips) The…
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