Belizza Ruiz: concern in the sector for renouncing the vice of Energy, – Sectors – Economy

Although initially she did not want to leave office, the Vice Minister of Energy, Belizza Ruiz, finally presented her resignation letter, as requested by Minister Irene Vélez a few weeks ago.

If it did not, one of the alternatives being considered within the entity was declare it non-subsistentaccording to information known by EL TIEMPO.

(Read also: Confirmed: Vice Minister of Energy did resign from Irene Vélez)

This is the outcome of the bad relationship that the two officials have had for some time and that was already evident, not only within the Ministry but also in the energy sector.

Belizza Ruiz only appeared in the position for four monthssince he took office on September 6, one month after the start of the government of President Gustavo Petro, after years of experience in the energy issue.

He came to the Vice Ministry of Energy by decision of Minister Vélez himself, who chose his resume among others that appeared to him. She is an electrical engineer from the National University and has a master’s and doctorate in engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In addition, she has three postdocs in renewable energy of this same Mexican institution.

There will be no more exploration or exploitation of hydrocarbons. I don’t know what part of that sentence you didn’t understand

His appointment came after a first month with some controversial statements by Minister Vélez, especially in relation to the continuity of energy mining activity in the country. Initially, Ruiz came to support her in her position of not allowing the signing of new hydrocarbon exploration and production contracts.

Even, in October 2022, during the Naturgas Congress, he said a phrase that was not well received by the oil tankers: «There will be no more exploration or exploitation of hydrocarbons. I don’t know what part of that sentence they haven’t understood,” he stated.

Consulted sources also assured that the tension began because the officials have different positions on certain issues, including issues related to regulation. Furthermore, on several occasions the Vice Minister ignored Vélez’s orders and made decisions without consulting him.

(Also read: They announce measures to guarantee fuel supply in Nariño and Cauca)

Despite this, businessmen in the sector acknowledge that Belizza Ruiz was closer to the electricity sector and understood its operation. Therefore, it gave them peace of mind to have a deputy minister who knew the issues she was in charge ofalthough they were not only electric power but also hydrocarbons and liquid fuels.

Now that it is confirmed that he will leave office, sources consulted considering that his resignation means starting from scratch and creates great uncertaintyeven more so when there are several important issues that were being defined, such as what will be obtained from the sector in the National Development Plan and the roadmap for energy transition, which is expected to be announced next May.

The unions hope that a person who knows the hydrocarbon and energy sectors will come to the position.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy verified that the departure of the Vice Minister of Energy and Other changes that are being made in management positions and coordination are part of «the adjustments defined to accelerate the energy transition processes and achieve the design of their roadmap.»

By Mitchell G. Patton

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