Why are women so competent in the world of work? – Personal Finance – Economics

The women they have greater ability to listen, draw conclusions and achieve specific objectives in the labor market.

This is the conclusion of an investigation carried out by THT, a multinational expert in predicting human behavior, which applied different tests to 451,726 women in Colombia between the ages of 20 and 40, with technical and professional training.

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For the investigation, psychometric tests of leadership level and a battery made up of 36 soft skills were taken into account.

The findings of this research contrast with the current job opportunities presented by Dane, since women are the ones who have a higher unemployment rate.

In January 2023, the last data revealed by the Danish, the unemployment rate for men was 11 percent (-0.2 points less than a year ago); however, that of women was 17.4 percent (-2 points less), that is, the gap is still 6.4 points.

According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), at 10.7% of national unemployment, young people occupied 17.1%. Women are the most affected population.


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THT’s research on female workforce of Colombia modify identify the following competencies in which the women evaluated are above 75 percent of the population analyzed (percentile):

1. 59.7% Feedback to team members on their performance, affectively and effectively
2. 58% Ability to listen and understand the other, to clearly and timely transmit the information required by others in order to achieve the objectives.
3 51.2% Ability to focus on the achievement of objectives, effectively control and manage all resources in order to guarantee their compliance with quality.

“We are facing a true female labor force, loaded with attributes that allow them to be part of a world of work that manages to promote equal opportunities, as well as reduce the barriers for women to reach leadership and decision-making positions, because this It is not only important for justice and equity, but also contributes to better business performance and more inclusive and effective decision-making,” said Rocío Morales, THT Director of Psychometrics.

By Mitchell G. Patton

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