The eight hours of work a day for five or six days a week They are the common working day in several countries in the region, including Colombia.

This figure has been evaluated, because as a result, a person works close to 48 hours a week, which has an impact on their personal life and, as various studies indicate, nevertheless translates into productivity.

However, there are countries with worse figures, according to the Organization for Development and Economic Cooperation (OECD). The latest report indicates that in Africa and Asia more hours are worked than the average and that the countries of northern Europe -the ones that are best positioned economically- are those with the lowest average hours worked per year.

Although the world average ranges between 40 and 50 hours, the top 10, according to the portal world Population Revision, it agrees like this:

1. Mauritania: 54 hours

2. Egypt: 53 hours

3. The Gambia: 51 hours

4. Burkina Faso: 50 hours

5. Qatar: 50 hours

Read here: (Working hours: from this year fewer hours will be worked in Colombia)

6. Lesotho: 50 hours

7. Bangladesh: 49 hours

8. Kenya: 48 hours

9. Lebanon: 48 hours

10. Mongolia: 48 hours

In Latin America, the ranking list is headed by Cthread(42,5); Mexico (43) and Brazil (39.5).

According to Colombian law, The working day in the country is 48 hours,which would place it in the top 10.

Countries where fewer hours are worked

In Norway, 34 hours a week are worked, which if divided into five days equals 6.8 hours.

According to the data of the World Labor Organization, the countries that work the fewest hours a week have days of 29 to 34 hours.

The top 10 includes countries in Oceania, Africa and Europe:

1. Australia: 29 hours

2. Micronesia: 30 hours

3. Somalia: 31 hours

4. Kazakhstan: 31 hours

5. Djibouti: 32 hours

6. Malawi: 34 hours

7. Norway: 34 hours

8. Ghana: 34 hours

9. Germany: 35 hours

10: Switzerland 35 hours

These data can be variable, taking into account that not all the activities that are conventionally understood as work are the same in each place.

Regarding productivity and the contribution of hours worked to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, the countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) lead, as Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and Iceland where the hours worked by each employee have a higher value, not only at the salary level but also because of the contribution that this has to the country’s economy.

It may interest you: (How companies should apply the reduction in working hours by 2023)

For example, in Norway each hour worked by a person contributes $72.37 to the GDP of their country.

Productivity in Colombia

As of July 15, 2023, the working day will be reduced by law and will go from 48 to 47 weekly hours.

This reduction is due to Law 2101 of 2021, which determines that the Colombian working day will gradually decrease until reaching 42 in 2026.

It must be remembered that what this law establishes is a maximum number of hours that the employee can work without reducing your salary.

For now, until July 14, 2023, the legal maximum working day will remain exactly the same and there will be no changes in this regard.


More news

– Working hours: what is the economic impact of reducing it to 47 hours this year

– Labor Reform: Mintrabajo talks about the key points of the project

– The chiaroscuro of cutting the working day in Latin America