brides on the run | Solidarity

Some thirty couples dressed in their wedding attire have purchased this Saturday in the first charity bridal race in which, veil included, have traveled the emblematic Paseo de los Tristes to raise funds for the Red Cross.

Those who have experience say that going through the vicarage represents a long-distance race, especially to have the guest list, the suits, the little gift for attendees, the menu… all without mentioning the economic outlay. that represents the event.

Some thirty couples have proposed this morning to imitate Usain Bolt himself and break any record in the first solidarity brides race in which, in the absence of Olympic gold, the peculiar athletes compete for a totally free wedding banquet.

This initiative is part of the program designed for the entire weekend by the Granada-based wedding platform Wedding Event Central, of which the historic Alhambra Palace hotel is a part, and with which it intends to sell the city as the perfect setting for haunted weddings.

goal accomplished

As in every ceremony, the brides, with their corresponding white veils, have started their parade, this time running and without the altar as the goal, from the Cuesta de Gomrez in Granada, on the slopes of the Alhambra.

A few meters away, in front of the church of Santa Ana, the bride and groom guarded them -who are always the ones waiting- to continue together the nuptial race towards a paid banquet.

This first bridal race adds a charitable purpose to the prize, since the cost of registration will be fully allocated to the Red Cross.

«The double objective has been met, which consists of promoting Granada as the world capital of haunted weddings and for the brides to run to raise funds and have a good time,» the event organizer, Bere Casillas, explained to Efe.

With the enviable image of the Alhambra in the background, the bride and groom have crossed the Carrera del Darro to the Paseo de los Tristes in a race for his love and against the expenses of celebrating his future union.

Today’s scene, with cinematographic overtones that recorded the occasional groom on the run, joins a program of events that seek to turn Granada into the world capital of haunted weddings and that this type of event is an economic boost. more for the province.

«The objective is to make Granada the world capital of haunted weddings and it has started with some happy brides who have run for a sufficiently succulent prize for the couples», highlighted Casillas.

I will join this race today the banquet routein which the future bride and groom will visit the main places to celebrate the event with their loved ones.

The program also includes a theme party with everything related to the bridal world to train before the big day with tastings, hairdressing and fashion sessions and what is necessary to achieve a happy ending.

By Mitchell G. Patton

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